Check here to learn more about ACS Project SEED program

Georgia Gwinnett College Project SEED program highlighted on Atlanta News First TV channel Georgia high school students spend summer break in a lab preparing for STEM careers (
Highlighted on the Gwinnett Daily Post.

Mentoring and coordinating the American Chemical Society Project SEED highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News, 2024, 102 (issue 24).



In 2022, under the leadership of Mallia, the Georgia Local Section successfully organized the ACS Project SEED program and supported six economically disadvantaged high school students from Gwinnett County. Professor-mentors from Georgia Gwinnett College provided unique research opportunities for the students in their laboratories and mentored them on a daily basis. The six SEED fellows conducted their summer research at the School of Science and Technology, Georgia Gwinnett College and completed safety programs conducted by the host institution.

The SEED program was completed successfully, complying with all SEED guidelines. Students were expected to work like professionals, typically putting in a forty-hour week for ten weeks and were exposed to a variety of professional development topics, including oral presentation skills. All SEED fellows submitted their reports and evaluations by the deadlines. The ACS GA SEED program received attention from Georgia Governor’s policy makers, local news media (Gwinnett Daily Post), and CBS local news media. Five Project SEED students from ACS GA received Project SEED scholarships in 2022.

SEED fellows with Mentors

Project SEED in News
373 HS students participated in the Virtual Project SEED in 2021.
Because of COVID 19 in 2020, Project SEED was held virtually. 291 HS students participated in the Virtual Summer Camp.
Check the 2020 Project SEED annual report here.
Project SEED in NEWS
Gwinnett Daily Post, October 16, 2019.

Georgia Gwinnett College, Engage, 2017, Fall.
The Capital Chemist, 2015, 65 (6), 1-2.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2015, 65 (6), 5.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2015, 65 (8), 3-4.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Chemical Society of Washington’s Project SEED program won the ChemLuminary award in the category of “Outstanding Project SEED program.”ical Society of Washington Project SEED program won the ChemLuminary award in the category “Outstanding Project SEED program”
The Capital Chemist, 2014, 64 (6) 1-2.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2014, 64 (7), 7.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2014, 64 (9), 5.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Chemical Society of Washington’s Project SEED program won the ChemLuminary award in the category of “Outstanding Project SEED program.”
The Capital Chemist, 2013, 63 (6), 10-11.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2013, 63 (7), 11.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2013, 63 (8), 6.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2012, 62 (8), 6.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2012, 62 (6), 4-5.
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).
The Capital Chemist, 2011, 61 (6), 4
(The Publication of the Chemical Society of Washington Section of the American Chemical Society).