yxu joined the group
Active Learning 5 years, 6 months ago
jsloop joined the group
School of Science and Technology 5 years, 8 months ago
gayuninjam replied to the topic RoTL Summit in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 5 years, 10 months ago
Okay, thanks! Sounds like a great idea, but the timing is wild!!! Will keep it in mind and see if I propose a topic/an angle, contingent upon getting a few more pressing tasks off my desk.
acottrellyongye replied to the topic USG Conference outcome in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 5 years, 10 months ago
Congratulations Grace on receiving the SBA Pedagogy Research Award!! You are so deserving!! Thank you for leading our team, as we could not have accomplished so much without your leadership!! I look forward to writing manuscripts this summer!!
gonodipe started the topic RoTL Summit in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 5 years, 10 months ago
I know this is a busy week, so just a reminder that the deadline to submit proposals for the annual RoTL Summit at KSU is next Tuesday, April 30th. See link below for more details.
gayuninjam replied to the topic USG Conference outcome in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 5 years, 11 months ago
WOW, Grace…Congrats on your award! You earned it!
Thanks to you, Tashana, Jayme, and Adrienne for representing us! As I told Adrienne, she must be very good with pain. I can’t believe all she was able to do despite her broken toe. Special thanks, Adrienne!
gonodipe started the topic USG Conference outcome in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 5 years, 11 months ago
Good morning: This post is long overdue! It’s been real, to put it mildly … counting down the days to the end of the semester.
Tashana, Jayme, Adrienne (broken toe ‘n all) and I held down the fort for our FLC in Athens last week. Our presentation was very well received. I got a lot of feedback from people on Friday. I’ve updated our photo…[Read more]
gonodipe replied to the topic Taking Stock … in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Got it! Thanks.
gayuninjam replied to the topic Taking Stock … in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Important correction: Presentations were at the Association of Teacher Educators (not Education) conference…
gonodipe replied to the topic Taking Stock … in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Awesome!!! Thanks a lot. You all are even color-coordinated. I have snagged your pictures and added them somewhere on the PPTs. I will move things around later this week when designing the slides.
Anyone else – pictures, presentations, publications, etc.?Grace
gayuninjam replied to the topic Taking Stock … in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Thanks, Grace! Below are two presentations by Tashana and me at the Association of Teacher Education (ATE) national conference that took place in Atlanta this year (2/16/19-2/20/19):
Ayuninjam, G. & Howse, T. (2019) Using Learner logs to enhance metacognition, self-assessment, self-regulated learning, and reflective practices in two flipped…[Read more]
gonodipe started the topic Taking Stock … in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Hello everyone! As I take stock of our GROWTH in this FLC over the past year, in preparation for our Growth in Pedagogical practices presentation in Athens, I can’t help but notice that we have accomplished so much as a group! It’s quite amazing.
I am updating our Academic Commons PUBLIC Website this weekend. If you have any FLC related…[Read more] -
gayuninjam replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Hello Grace,
I just managed to include the information expected from me in the ppt: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ycN_EO4kjwhPeqo0P_yvg8htVWc6uSgD_ifsUzqtpPs/edit?ts=5c78bba0#slide=id.p1 . I noticed there were no slides for me, so inserted 2 to talk about my class. I can work some more on the sections I just added at a later time an…[Read more]
gayuninjam replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Right after I posted my reply, I saw your instructions about getting this to you before tomorrow’s meeting. I will do that before I head out to Berkmar MS tomorrow.
gonodipe replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Gwendoline: I was hoping to receive your input to the PPTs before our meeting tomorrow. That way, we have what we need from absent members and we can all edit. Our next meeting after tomorrow isn’t until March 29.
Hank: Thanks for your contribution to the PPTs. ‘ppreciate!
Still waiting on others …Grace
gayuninjam replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
Thanks, Grace! I will work on this during spring break next week. Also, I will not be able to attend the USG conference since my surgery is scheduled for 4/10/11, just the day before.
Please pardon my absence from tomorrow’s meeting! I need to be at Berkmar Middle School from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM to observe two of my interns. Those observations…[Read more]
gonodipe replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years ago
We are on schedule to present on THURSDAY, April 11 @ 3:15pm – 4:00pm.
Please reply here to indicate your attendance (or non-attendance).
gayuninjam replied to the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, Grace! I have put this task on my to-do list, and I look forward to engaging with everyone. Thank you for keeping us on task!
gonodipe started the topic USG Conference PPT Slides in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years, 1 month ago
As promised, these are the PPT slides. I will format the entire presentation once all content has been entered. We will still have time to edit the final document so don’t feel pressured to have it perfect before you begin. Feel free to begin now and continue to review and revise over the coming weeks.
If your name appears in RED font on a…[Read more]
gayuninjam replied to the topic Good News and Bad News! in the forum
Flipped Learning FLC 6 years, 1 month ago
Sorry about the decline. I guess we were not eligible to submit.
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