yxu joined the group
Active Learning 5 years, 5 months ago
jharris9 joined the group
Active Learning 6 years, 3 months ago
canfuso replied to the topic Papers recommended read by all members in the forum
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 6 years, 5 months ago
I think this is a great idea! I also put pdf copies of my two papers in our OneDrive folder (in “Articles for Group Review”) so they are in a central location.
yguo1 started the topic Papers recommended read by all members in the forum
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 6 years, 5 months ago
We could post the papers recommended by all members. Below are what were sent to me. The detailed annotations can be found in the excel spreadsheet in the shared folder on OneDrive.
yguo1 started the topic FLC Meeting minutes 8/8/2018 in the forum
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 6 years, 5 months ago
- Two IRBs have been submitted: one for requesting archival data, one for interview questions. We are waiting for the feedback.
- Updates on literature review: discuss the papers that should be read by all members, and identify any useful information that can be adapted to interview questions. Ying will have a new post on Academic Commons and the…
markiken joined the group
Active Learning 6 years, 6 months ago
Elizabeth Harrison started the topic Conference for Study Abroad in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone,
The Forum on Education Abroad is having their annual conference next March. Registration opens on October 25.
More information here: https://forumea.org/training-events/annual-conference/registration/
Elizabeth Harrison started the topic Study abroad Summer 2018 in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone!
Boyko and I went took 20 math and biology students to South Korea and Thailand during the summer semester. The trip was very successful. The students worked in groups to sample water quality variables from 16 different aquatic and marine sites throughout Thailand. Each group analyzed their data and presented their results while we…[Read more]
yguo1 started the topic FLC social event 7//12/2018 in the forum
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 6 years, 6 months ago
Members Present
Dr. Thomas Gluick
Dr. Ying Guo
Adrienne Harmer, MLS
Dr. Michael Kirberger
Dr. Kevin O’Halloran
Dr. Rebecca EakerMembers of FLC had lunch together at the Local Republic restaurant.
hheitman joined the group
Active Learning 6 years, 9 months ago
aharmer joined the group
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 6 years, 9 months ago
eharrison1 replied to the topic When to meet for the poster? in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
I can also meet during finals week, except for May 3. I have a meeting on May 1 from 2-3:30pm but I am free before or after that.
irodgers@ggc.edu replied to the topic Collaboration between Bio and Outdoor Rec in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
Pam, Elizabeth and I discussed a scavenger hunt type activity where students had to complete academic, social or cultural tasks to earn “points”. We could use this scavenger hunt as a way to encourage and facilitate independent experiences while establishing a record for grading purposes. This could generically be used for any trip of any d…[Read more]
bgyurov started the topic When to meet for the poster? in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi all. This is a discussion for when to meet to setup the poster for the SST Symposium.
Possible options: Wednesday, April 25 on campus;
Pam’s house in Atlanta: day?
Other ideas?
bgyurov replied to the topic Digital Journaling on Study Abroad in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for starting the discussion, Bob!
To add a bit more detail to the way we used the digital diary.
It started as a tool for Mark’s biology classes to record observations of the flora and fauna as they traveled around. When we created the Math-Biology bundle, the tool became an obvious choice for all classes (but especially for the math…[Read more]
rlutz1 started the topic Digital Journaling on Study Abroad in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
At the last really big blueprint meeting, it was quickly agreed that opportunity exists to improve the mechanisms for student journaling while on a trip. Recent trips required journals, some issues arose since connectivity can be an issue.
It seems that an app that captures multimedia indexed along a timeline will be highly beneficial. The app…[Read more]
eharrison1 started the topic Collaboration between Bio and Outdoor Rec in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
I met with Ian and came up with come ideas about study-abroad activities that can involve the Thai students:
Fishmarket surveys in Thailand
Surveying transitions in ecosystems that we visit in ThailandResults of both surveys will incorporate mapping
bgyurov started the topic Big Meeting today for setting up the Blue Print for our FLC in the forum
SST Study Abroad FLC Group 6 years, 10 months ago
Today we will create the blue print for our Interdisciplinary activities.
spark1 joined the group
Active Learning 6 years, 12 months ago
tgluick started the topic FLC Meeting minutes 2/9/2018 in the forum
FLC DWF Rates in Chemistry 7 years ago
Agenda for FLC meeting and Minutes for 2/9/18 FLC meeting.
Present: Dr. Anfuso, Dr. Gluick, Dr. Guo, Dr. Kirberger
Absent: Dr. Eaker, Dr. O’Halloran, Dr. Tsoi
Old Business
Review of assignments
Introduction of Rebekkah
New Business
Mai Yins Temporary Departure and Role Change
Revising the schedule again
Revise back the IRB dat…[Read more]
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