Chemistry at GGC is proud of our teaching! Below are some teaching pedagogies currently used in chemistry at GGC.
- Small class sizes (max of 24 per class) allow faculty to know each student and meet their needs at their various levels of preparedness.
- Students have the same professor teaching class and lab.
- Innovative labs – chemistry faculty write their own labs.
- Labs are research based where students carry out a project over the course of several weeks.
- Flexible teaching pedagogies across course sections
- Thayer Method
- Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)
- Specs grading
- State of the art instrumentation is used in teaching and research
- This link shows an example of Dr. Tsoi demonstrating how to find melting point using an instrument that is commonly used in Organic Chemistry lab: MelTemp Demonstration
Student success initiatives
- High engagement active learning practices in the classroom with decreased focus on lecturing. This is the standard practice in all courses!!!
- Peer Supplemental Instruction: CHEM 1211K, 1212K, 2211K (PSI Video Link)
- Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on reducing DFW rates in CHEM 1211K/1212K
- Course-embedded Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs): CHEM 1211K, 1212K, 2212K, 3000K, 4100K
- This link shows a video of Dr. Mallia and a student talking about an Organic Chemistry CURE project: CURE Video
- Development of working groups for multi-section courses
- Academic Enhancement Center: CHEM 1151K, 1152K, 1211K, 1212K, 2211K, 2212K
- Interdisciplinary initiatives: CHEM 1212K with BIOL 1107K, CHEM 1211K/1212K with PHYS 1111K/1112K
Faculty Teaching statistics
Chemistry discipline consists of 39 full-time faculty and 16 part-time faculty
Program student/faculty ratio: 4.1/1