Agilent G7100A Capillary Electrophoresis

Agilent G7100A Capillary Electrophoresis

CE is a family of electrokinetic separation methods using capillaries and in micro- and nanofluidic channels, where analytes are separated as the migrate through electrolyte solutions under the influence of an electric field. Analytes can be separated according to ionic mobility, and may be concentrated via pH or conductivity gradients.

The Agilent 7100 CE System at GGC is designed for fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for difficult and diverse analytical separation challenges.

Applications of CE include analysis of ions in saliva, DNA separations, and ink analyses.

Current GGC research projects using this instrument include:

  • Analyzing metal ions in fish samples.
  • Determining the application of surfactants such as copper deoxycholate or mixed micelles of sodium deoxycholate and copper deoxycholate in CE separations.
  • Use of room temperature ionic liquids as background electrolytes for separation of chiral and achiral molecules.
  • Analysis of Caffeine in soft drinks.