Student Buy-In
The benefits of a flipped learning model are well established in the literature, however, students who are not familiar with how a flipped classroom works may find it challenging because the dynamics and the expectations are very different from what they are used to.
What are some practical strategies you use in your flipped classroom to get student buy-in?
I think as I get more comfortable and competent in the flipped classroom, I’m going to have an easier time “selling” it on the first day, when I go over the syllabus. We’ll see how that goes this week!
I am taking a different approach this semester. I want to continue to embed concepts of the flipped classroom this semester as I embrace them as a routine part of my practice. I have decided not to use the MSLQ. At the end of the semester, I plan to get feedback from students regarding the different implementations of the flip (guided practice, use of their individual and group spaces, collaborative and individual work/projects). Concurrently, I am analyzing data from spring 2018. I will use information fro this falls classes and lessons from spring 2018 to engage in a formal project using the MSLQ in the spring or fall 2019.