PSI-Physics Resources
What is Physics PSI?
Peer Supplemental Instruction (PSI) for the Physics department is a student-run, session-based program that allows students (who attend the sessions) to get help and strengthen their skills within physics-based courses. PSI, in general, is not just simply tutoring; but rather, it is more based around giving students tools and tips that they can utilize for success in certain courses (in other words, PSI leaders don’t just tell attendees of the session answers to questions; instead, they help the students to answer the questions on their own). Sessions are based around specific courses (in the case of Physics, these specific courses are PHYS 1111K and PHYS 1112K), and the students who run the sessions are ones that have previously taken (and done well in) the course that the sessions are built around. Students who attend Physics-PSI sessions will not only gain a better understanding on topics that they are unsure about, but they will also have an opportunity to strengthen their study skills and improve their ability to collaborate with peers.
Take content from general GGC’s PSI program
Include a Spring -2022 schedule above the flyer
Include your email id as point of contact, as a web-master
A brief bio page about PSI-Physics leaders, their academic interests and career goals

Point of Contact
Email address (web manager):, replace # with 3