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Category: Secondary Education

What our students need…

What our students need…

…is food, childcare, and assistance navigating the minefield of unclear expectations (= my needs on any given day…). Here’s an extensive report: Student Needs Are Academic Needs

How Google Took Over the Classroom

How Google Took Over the Classroom

An in-depth article from the New York Times on the history of G-Suite and its growth in public schools. (Reminds me of a few years ago when there was a Google Apps seminar here on campus that no one from our own tech departments knew about…) How Google Took Over the Classroom

Study Finds Black Students More Likely to Graduate if They Have One Black Teacher

Study Finds Black Students More Likely to Graduate if They Have One Black Teacher

“A low-income black student’s probability of dropping out of school is reduced by 29 percent if he or she has one black teacher in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades. That student is also 18 percent more likely to express interest in college after graduating. There was an even stronger effect for black boys from persistently low-income homes: Their probability of dropping out of school is reduced by 39 percent if they have one black teacher, and they are 29 percent…

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